Saturday, August 14, 2021

Healthy Choices That Can Give You Good Immunity Against COVID-19

COVID-19 Pandemic
 The Coronavirus Pandemic is still as troubling and dangerous as it was two years before. Efforts, both locally and internationally, have been mounted to eradicate COVID-19. Unfortunately, it has only led to a few successes as new strains of the virus, notably, the Delta strain, is spiking up the number of infections across the world, despite the massive rollouts of vaccines to combat the virus.

It's time to get serious about COVID-19

If you are one of those who treat the issue of COVID-19 with levity, it is time to get serious about the pandemic that has infected over 200 million people and killed over 4 million people (as at of August 12th, 2021). As the virus continues to spread across the globe, creating unending chaos that has caused economic losses and hardships in several places, this article is a clarion call for everyone to sit up and act sensibly.

The good immunity system solution

Understand that having good immunity won't stop you from being infected by the coronavirus. However, the good news is that it would protect your case from degenerating into a severe condition until the virus' power declined after 1o days of infection.

Most people who had mild Coronavirus infections were told by their doctors to rest at home and drink plenty of fluids. In certain circumstances, they may purchase an over-the-counter fever medicine. Their main defensive mechanism was the good immune system they had had in their bodies before they were infected with the virus.

 Are you wondering about how to have a good immune system?

There are THREE unique approaches you can adopt to achieve and maintain a good immune system:

Stay active: You will have to change your lifestyle a little bit and get off your seat. Take up an activity or exercise that will make you walk, jog, or stroll each day. You may choose to do indoor or outdoor activities, such as doing yoga, muscle training, playing sports, or even meditating. Get your body active and well-functioning.

Have some good sleep: According to CDC and American Academy of Sleep recommend that adults should have 7 or more hours of sleep; teens should have 8-10 hours of sleep; school-age children must have 9-12 hours of sleep; and toddlers require 11-14 hours of sleep within 24 hours. Good sleep has a therapeutic effect on all of us, and it could aid the metabolic processes occurring in our bodies.

Eating nutritious foods

 With a balanced amount of nutrients and minerals, human bodies can enjoy great immune system that can resist or seriously fight infections. As far as COVID-19 is concerned, the following vitamins and minerals are required to fight the virus when it infects your body: Vitamin C, D, A, E, and Zinc. All these vitamins and minerals are what we could get from foods when we make sure that our diets are balanced!